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Rugby is a Drag...Show is less than two weeks away, and other important 2020 Brujos dates and news.

2020 is here and the New Mexico Brujos plan to hit the pitch running. The spring 2020 season is right around the corner, practice starts in less than a month, but the first order of business is:

Rugby is a Drag...Show! is less than two weeks away!

For the fourth straight year the New Mexico Brujos are partnering with Sidewinders Bar and Casa Q for an one night event. Rugby is a Drag!

Proceeds benefit Casa Q, Youth Rugby, and Brujos Rugby Club.

Tickets are only $10 purchased online. $15 at the door!

Tickets sold via website are Will Call only. Nothing to print, nothing to bring, nothing to lose.

Age 21 and up event.

Don't forget your dollar bills to tip the performers!

More about our partner Casa Q:

Casa Q is a transitional living facility for LGBTQ youths, the only home of its kind in New Mexico

To find out more go to

A Message from the Brujos Team President Regarding the Upcoming Drag Show:

Hi team

We are 11 days away from the drag show. This is our biggest fundraiser for the team and given that we did not host a tournament last year (our other fundraiser) we desperately need to make sure that this event is successful.

Please keep in mind that the money we collect at this event goes to:

  • Traveling funds,

  • Tournament registrations

  • Hotel funds

  • Administrative costs

  • And other miscellaneous items that we all benefit from bu being a member of this club

We have 8 people signed up and I believe in those 7 people, they are not 100% certain they will make it to the event. I need at least 10 to make it worth while for the real drag queens that are volunteering their time and cosmetics.

This means we are short a lot of performers. and with performers there is little reason to have the show or that we will be getting enough money to cover the costs that we have already put into the show.

If you are on the fence and have concerns about participating, please let me know or someone that has been in the show before and maybe we can work through them and find resolution

I thank you all for everything that you do for the club and I appreciate your assistance in making this event a success. If you would like to volunteer please fill out the spreadsheet:

Other important upcoming NM Brujos events:

Weekly team workouts start at this Wednesday, January 8th, 6 - 8 PM at Stretch 605 San Mateo NE. Come for the whole time or any part of that time and start working off the holidays.

Kangaroo Court - Saturday, January 11th 2020

Mandatory team fun event, hosted by our friends at Wine Dive. Please be there on time and be prepared to have some fun. Bring your grievances with you. *this is a no 40s taped to people's hands event*

More info here:

Fat Boy Run - Sunday, February 2nd, 2020

Short run through the foothills with checkpoints where a challenge must be completed. A cash donation is collected and 100% of proceeds are donated to the Agora Crisis Center to support suicide prevention and awareness. Open to everyone, so bring a friend and spread the word! RSVP so that there are enough challenges.

More info here:

Practice begins Tuesday, February 4th, Johnson Field, 6 - 8 PM.

Here's to a great 2020 Brujos! Get some!

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