NM Brujos Marathon a day Challenge and Fundraiser is a huge success, raises over $3000 for S.A.F.E H

The numbers are in for the New Mexico Brujos Marathon a Day Challenge and S.A.F.E. House Fundraiser, and they are better than we could have hoped! In response to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, on May 5th the NM Brujos set out to run a marathon a day as a team, and decided to turn it into a fundraiser for a worthy local cause. When it was all said and done the Brujos raised $3,318 for S.A.F.E House, smashing their original goal of $2500, and as a team logged 1080.61 miles on the many streets and hiking trails of Albuquerque and New Mexico. The Brujos achieved their goal of running a marathon every day for 26 straight days, averaging a whopping 41.41 miles per day! Our awesome club president Adrian Perez took home the award for most miles run, being the only team member to break the 100 mile mark, and running at least 3 miles every day. Tommy Davis finished in second place with 91.07 miles, and won the saving the day award for contributing 10 miles on a day when the team total was only 28. Dustin Soflin was third with 81.25 miles. Pablo Garibay got the most miles in a day award for 13 miles, and Khan Muhammed, Edwin Hornedo and Nate Rogers all got the second half awards for starting a week after the challenge began and putting in consistent miles that helped us meet our goal. All in all, over 38 team members contributed mile, with many more and their family members and friends contributing money that went to help S.A.F.E House. This was a tremendously fun and successful event that helped unite the team during these trying times and keep everyone in shape, and we look forward towards whatever comes next. Que Viva!
A Message from the Team:
It is a difficult time in this country and for our community; the Brujos stand in solidarity with our BIPOC family. We demand justice for George Floyd, for Ahmaud Arbery, for Breonna Taylor, and countless others that have been and will be murdered by the hands of law enforcement. We demand change to end systematic racism and we demand equality. Stay strong, stay firm, and let your voices be heard.
Black Lives Matter